Branch app is legit and not scam, this is one of the best and secured online banking app.
We have different point to use and prove how legitimate the app is.
Though we all know that nowadays there are thousands of scam apps that are ready to scam anyone that cross their way.
But we can't count branch app to be among them, branch app is safe and secure.
If you're still in doubt, take a look at the following.
1: Trusted by more than 1 million people in Nigeria:
Do you not know that among all online banking apps, we could say that brach has the highest number of customers.
We can't find any other banking app in Nigeria that can compete with this app when it comes to do with number of customers.
This is because branch app is not stingy, it launches it referral program once in a while and during these time, you could earn up to 1,000 naira per person you referred to join and use the app.
So branch app is too popular to be called scam.
2: more than 6 years in existence.
Like I always tell people, there is no scam app that can exist for over one year.
Most of them ends up crashing within 3 months. Though we all know that there are many scam loan apps out there, and if not careful you might fall for one.
Branch app has been over 6 years since it was launched. You can not still call an app like this scam.
There are many people that are using this app, like I said earlier, branch app has over 1 million users.
You don't have to be afraid, I understand your feelings, even I the author of this article, I have been scammed by many apps before, that was years back, but now I don't think such can ever happen again.
Branch app is reliable, for over 5 years this app have been a reliable banking app to many people in Nigeria. The trust of users for this app is too high.
About this app:
Branch is among the popular banking app here in Nigeria that has been existing for more than 6 years.
For over 6 years this app has been helping many people in Nigeria financially, trusted by more than 1 million people.
Things this app can do.
1: send and receive money.
With branch you can send and receive money from anywhere and to anywhere in Nigeria, fast and secured, trusted by almost 90% users.
2: Saving.
If you have been saving your money without getting any interest, then it's time you switch to branch app and enjoy high annual profits with 0 risk.
3: buy airtime and data, earn upto 2% cashback rewards.
You can easily earn upto 1,000 naira rewards when you purchase either airtime or data, safe and secured.
4: pay bills.
You don't have to worry on how you can pay your bills. With brach app, you can stay at home and pay your bills of any kind.
What people say about Branch.
1: Best for getting loans.
Many people reported that this is the best app to get an instant online loan without any collateral.
This very page was written based on the information we gathered from users.
According to users, with this app, you can easily get an instant loan for your business or anything.
We can't really know about your feelings. Branch app is not a scam app. If it were scam, we would have told you from the beginning.
You might be thinking that this app is new or you are the only one using it. Branch app is getting to 7 years so you don't have to be afraid any more.
Branch app was released since 2015.
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