This app is legit and not scam, but we could say it is almost the worst among loan apps. The following are some reasons you should look into.
1: High interest rates:
We can't trust this app anymore, it seems like it has started showing us the black part of it. Charging users 30% in 7 days is a terrible case.
This app may give like 2,100 naira and expect to receive back 3,000 naira in seven days. We are wondering what type of business will convert 2,100 to 3,000 in 7days in order to be able to return the loan amount with it interest.
Many users reported this issue of high interest rate, and we recommend that the app management will look forward to this.
2: Charge card fee without loan approval:
This is why many users reported this loan app as a scam app. Many users reported that this app requested that it deduct 30 naira as card binding fee.
The app won't tell you that you are not eligible to receive loan until after it charges you a 30 naira fee.
So if you're planning to start partnering with this app you should be ready to face issues like this.
3: This is one of the information we were able to gather from users:
Many users reported that this app tried to scam them by not disbursing the exact amount of money they applied for to their bank account.
Example: apply for 10,000 naira loan but this app boldly send to them like 7,000 naira and request that they pay back complete 10,000 naira with it interest.
4: Insults and embarrassment from app agents:
Many users reported of how rude the app agents are, it was reported that the agent might start taking action against you, trying to threaten you to get ready to pay back your loan even before the due date.
Owing this loan app is like doing the worst to yourself according to it users, it was reported that this app will start sending messages to all your contacts that you owe them if you refuse to pay back on time.
So you should be ready to face all these issues if you're planning to partner with this app.
Many users reported that this app is legit and it helps them a lot, but in some cases you should know that some of those informations could be from the app agents.
Never owe loan company above due date:
It is never advisable that you owe loan company or group of people above a due date, doing this is putting the loan company at risk and there will be no one who will tolerate such.
We have reviewed this loan app completely and confirmed that it is not scam, though you may still find some things that are similar to scam on it.
App info:
Version: 1.1.7
Released date: June 17 2022.
About this app:
Cashpaddie is a loan app that was launched since early June 2022, it is a loan app that is currently available in Nigeria that gives loan to it users without collecting any collateral, you can receive loan of upto 200,000 naira and above.
How to get a loan:
To collect your loan you need to become cashpaddie customer by:
1: Downloading the cashpaddie app, install and sign up.
2: fill in all required informations about yourself.
3: go to apply for loan and Wait for the team to review your loan request which might take up to a day or so. Once approved, it will be disbursed directly into your account.
Who can apply for cashpaddie loan:
1: You must be 18 to 60 years of age.
2: only the Nigerians.