How to Start blogging - complete guides.

You can earn up to $10,000 daily by just writing and publishing contents on your blog, don't be deceived that blogging doesn't pay, with high experience I have seen big boys who earns thousands of dollars daily from blogging. But the fact is that, not all of them would ever want to tell you the real truth about blogging.
As a teenager, adult, no matter your stage, you can earn cool cash from blogging.

But it's not really about earning, the other fact is that blogging is not a get rich instantly job, but as times goes on with much of your efforts, you will get to become a successful blogger who earn for a living through blogging.

Like said, blogging is little difficult because of lots of competitors, and to earn from blogging requires patience and as well capital to become a successful blogger.

Going too far is might really be the best option to choose, without wasting much of our time, let's get to know more about blogging. 

What is a blog? 

A blog is a digital platform that primarily features written content, known as blog posts. 

The posts can range from various topics, from personal experiences to news and current events. Blogs provide a personal touch by allowing the writer to connect directly with their audience through their writing style and perspective.

In addition, most blogs offer a comments section for visitors to engage with the blogger, strengthening the bond between the author and their readers.

One of the key advantages of starting a blog is the opportunity to establish a connection with like-minded individuals and build trust with your readers. 

This trust can later lead to monetizing your blog. With the rapid growth of the internet, now is an opportune time to start a blog as it offers a vast audience base.

What is blogging? 

Blogging is the process of writing and publishing of articles on blog websites. Publishing of ideas, stories, news and others are all considered as blogging. 

Who is a blogger? 

Starting blogging automatically makes you a blogger. A blogger is someone who writes and publishes articles on the type of website known as blog. No matter things you publish be it news, movies, stories makes you a blogger. 

 Complete guide to start blogging. 

Are you now ready to start blogging, if yes, then there are few requirements required of you to become a successful blogger who earns and depends on blogging. 

This is a complete guide to help you launch your free blogger website, not just a website, but this guide is going to give you different ideas about blogging and all the necessary requirements will be listed out and all necessary things will be made known to you. And it is advisable to take much of your time to read this article to the end even if it will take your two days. Because we keeps on updating it to suit the needs of our readers. 

Journey to blogging is not a day journey, sometimes it takes time to create your blog and make it stand out on the internet.
Not just that, writing quality contents takes time and to get your blog articles optimized on search engines like Google and Bing may take some times except you apply special skills to get your site optimized. 

Requirements to start blogging

1: Capital. 
2: Niche. 
3: Good Smartphone. 
4: Good Laptop. 
5: Note App.  
7: Patience. 
8: consistency. 
9: Flyer maker app. 
10: Good Electricity. 
11: Data connection. 
12: Ability to read and write. 

Having the above requirements completely, then you are ready to get started. 
Now let's get deeper with each of the requirements of starting blogging. 

1: Capital.

How much do you want to use for starting your blogging business?
Know that blogging requires capital or else you might get frustrated on the way and might end up losing all and finally giving up half way. 

Depending on you country currency. Be it dollar, Naira, Rupee, euro and others.

At least $100 to $200 (₦50,000 to ₦100,000) is required to start your blogging business.

Why such a high amount?

Like said earlier, blogging is not a get rich instantly business and it takes little time and hard work to become a successful blogger.

So during these periods, you need capital to:

• maintain yourself.
• purchases Airtime and Data. 
• maintains your device, be it computer or mobile phone. 
• Run Arbitrage (ads) for your website. 
• Registering and renewing of domain. 
• Hosting Renewal. 

If you do not have any capital and wants to start blogging, how will you do when your internet data connection finish? 
Have in mind that to be able to write and publish unique articles, it will require you to browse and read more from others because no matter what you think of writing, others have already written. 
So without browsing to gather ideas from others, you might end up writing meaningless articles or incomplete articles as a beginner. 

Is there anyone telling you that blogging doesn't require any capital to start? That is misleading. You might not go far in blogging if you don't have capital to start. 

There are many challenges in blogging. 

How about hosting renewal? 
How about domain renewal? 
And along the way your device may have issues and requires maintenance. 

Like said earlier, blogging is profitable but it is not a get rich instantly business especially when you're the only one managing your blog. 
If you're the only one who is managing your blog, it might take you up to a full year to become a successful blogger. So during these periods, capital is highly required. 

2: Niche

After gathering enough capital to start your blogging business. 

This is the number two thing to consider before setting up your website to start blogging. 

A niche is a focus topic in which you will be focusing on.

What is your niche?

What exactly can you write about?

You know what's on your mind and you are to choose a niche you will be able to manage effectively without lacking or getting tired.

Below are some outstanding niches to look at as a newbie:


This is a niche that you will write about websites, products, Apps, companies, businesses, Investment platforms and others. 

This niche covers lots of things, and it will be your duty to explains about websites, products - how they works, how to use them, are they real or fake, are they legitimate or scam? And so on, and never write against other people's business. 

Personal Finance

Personal finance is a popular niche for bloggers because everyone wants to learn how to save money, make more money and manage their finances. Topics can include budgeting, saving for retirement, reducing debt, investing and insurance.

Health and wellness. 

This niche covers a wide range of topics including fitness, nutrition, mental health, and personal development. There is a large audience interested in improving their physical and mental well-being.

Food and Recipes. 

Food bloggers can create content about cooking, baking, healthy eating, and food culture. This niche is great for those who love to cook and enjoy sharing their recipes and experiences with others.


Technology is a fast-moving field with new products and innovations being released all the time. Bloggers can write about the latest gadgets, software, and emerging trends in the tech industry.

Beauty and Fashion. 

Beauty and fashion bloggers share their tips and advice on makeup, skincare, hair care, and fashion. This niche appeals to those interested in looking and feeling their best.


Travel bloggers can write about their adventures, share travel tips and recommendations, and provide guides for different destinations. This niche is ideal for people who love to explore new places and have a passion for travel.

Personal Development. 

Personal development covers topics like self-improvement, self-care, motivation, and goal-setting. Bloggers in this niche can offer tips and advice on how to live a more fulfilling life.

Home and Garden. 

Home and garden bloggers can write about home improvement, decorating, gardening, and landscaping. This niche appeals to those who enjoy creating a comfortable and attractive living space.


Parenting is a popular niche for bloggers as it covers a wide range of topics, including pregnancy, child development, education, and discipline. Bloggers can offer advice and support to new and experienced parents.


Entrepreneurship is a growing niche for bloggers as more and more people are starting their own businesses. Bloggers can write about starting a business, marketing, finance, and success stories. This niche appeals to those who are interested in starting their own businesses and becoming successful entrepreneurs.

After choosing your niche and very-well know what to write about. Now it's time to find way to set up your website to start displaying what you know how to do better. 

3: Good smartphone or Computer.

Whether smartphone or computer, any of them are good for blogging don't be deceived.

To become a successful blogger, a good and reliable smartphone or computer is required. You need a device that can last at least 5 hours online before shutting down.

Creating unique and outstanding content takes time and knowledge, if your device can't last up to 5 to 7 hours online, you might end up not going far in business and it may definitely slow down your progress. When thinking of becoming a blogger, this is one of the thing to consider.

You need a fast device that moves smoothly without crashing or hanging, a device with fast and constant internet connection and not a device that takes hours to load a page. 

4: Note App.

If you want to start blogging using Blogger website, or any other website builder platform. A note application is highly required in order to avoid any form of content losses.

For blogger - using the blogger app for writing and publishing of articles is risky, have in mind that to publish high quality article takes much time to be completed. And you can't sit at once and complete some.

If you're planning to be using the blogger app for writing and publishing, in a situation where you are unable to complete an article at once and decide to save as draft for continuation later. You might come back to discover that the article has been deleted from the app which could cause a big time frustration.
This is with high experience about the app.

There are many cool note apps that allows you to write your articles offline, and once ready, you can then copy and take to the blogger app, fixes in other necessary thing and set it up to be published. 

5: Blog - creating your own blog. 

When thinking of becoming a blogger, what should first of all come your mind? 
When thinking of starting blogging, you should first of all consider getting a new blog. 

A blogger without a blog is not worthy to be called a blogger. 
Getting started in to blogging requires one to have a well designed and user-friendly blog website for publishing what's on the mind for the benefits of others. 

Requirements to create a blog. 

There are many platforms to help you design a nice looking website blog, but some of them may require capital to get started. 
But here, as a beginner, it is recommended to start your blogging using Blogger website to reduce high expenses. 
Forget that many claims blogger (blogspot) site are not better and some claims blogger belongs to Google and it can be taken down if Google contents policy is violated. 

Yes that's quite right, but what exactly are you going to be publishing on your blog that will violate Google content policy? 

Most of them who claims blogger site is cheap and might be taken down if policy is violated are the ones claiming that WordPress website is the only one everyone should use. 

Using WordPress is expensive and requires enough capital to setup, also have in mind that WordPress have their own policies, and if violated, site may be taken down as well like blogger. 

Like said earlier, as a beginner to blogging, we recommend you get start with Blogger.
Blogger offer different features to help you design a nice looking website that will look attractive and help make the experience of your readers better.

How to go about with blogger website.

Getting started with blogger website is cool and a great idea, blogger is the most easiest to set up among all other websites creators platform.
If you want to get started with WordPress, it might require a little coding experience from you to help make it Stand out. 

To get started with blogger, go to

To start using Blogger blog you must have a valid Google account, getting to, sign up with Blogger using your Gmail address and then proceed to the next step by giving your blog a name of your choice, but that doesn't really matter because you are going to use custom domain for your blog. 

After creating your blog, it is time to make it stand out as a matured website. 

How to Setup a blogger site. 

Setting up your blogger website requires a little common sense, firstly you need to purchase at least a premium responsive blogger template of your choice and apply to the site to make it look unique and matured. 

Types of blogger Templates (versions). 

• Free version Template. 
• Premium version Template. 
• pro version Template. 

This is to help you decide on which side you belong. 
There are many types of templates in which you can install on your site to give it a better look. 

If you want to use a free Blogger Template then you should have the following in mind. 

Ads limit. 

You can easily find, download and install a free Blogger Template on your site, but have in mind that some of the free version Blogger templates were designed to block advertisements from displaying on sites they are used. It could affect you during the time to monetize your blog with third-party advertisements as it may stop advert codes from displaying. 

This is one important thing to consider when choosing a free template for your blog, though most of them can't block all ads, if you're going to monetize your blog with Google AdSense, then it will make your free template enjoyable because Google ads works automatically. When you turn on auto ads, the template won't be able to block the auto ads, they only block the ones that are installed in to the template body (ads code). 

Not just blocking, like said earlier, some free blogger template do not totally block users access from displaying ads on their site but rather they limit ads space for the template and do not support the putting of ad code to display in page body.

Pro template and premium. 

These versions are well-designed and they do features all the necessary tools every template suppose to have. And some of them won't bother you on setting them up as the templates are well-designed in which you can install to the site body without stressing. 

It is recommended to purchase a premium or pro version blogger template for your website because the free version always comes with a watermark and requires a lot of coding skills to be able to remove the watermark from the template body. 

Where can I get a blogger Template? 

There are many websites that sells blogger templates and they also offer free versions templates. 
To get a template for your site, you can head over to: Gooyaabitemplates
and select your preferred template for your website.

How do I install a blogger template to my blogger website?

This is one important question to ask, after you have gotten a template for your website, it's time you get it installed. To do this we recommend you use (Phoenix browser) during the process, from downloading to installation.

Have in mind that blogger template do comes with Zip file and require a zip file opener to remove it from the folder before it can be used.

That was why we recommended the use of Phoenix browser because if you are using a smartphone for setting up your site it will be little difficult because if your current browser does not feature zip file manager, it will be difficult and there would not be a possible way to install the template on the site.

Using Phoenix browser will make it easier to install the template. Before you think of installing the template, first of all open your Phoenix browser and navigate to file manager, click on (Zip code) and make sure to unzip the downloaded template codes in there, and the unzipped code will move from (Zip code file) to (other) in your Phoenix browser file manager. 

After getting those codes ready, you can then login back to your Blogger website panel and navigate to (theme) . Now in the theme section, you can clearly see the current featured template of your site which is to be replaced with the one you purchased or downloaded. 

To install the downloaded theme: In your blogger setting panel - theme section, you will be able to see two buttons on the current template of your website that is to be replaced with the one you downloaded.

Example picture:
The first button is: (customize
And the second one is nameless. 

To install your downloaded template, you are to click on the nameless button as stated above and it will pop up different options in which you are to click on the (upload) button and it will take you to your Phoenix browser file manager, navigate to (other) as stated above and select the xml code and if the code is valid, that will be the final step in installing a new blogger template. 

Now your template is installed, as stated above, if it's a free version template you just installed, it will definitely requires some skills from you to customize it in your preferred way. 

How to add and remove gadgets. 

This will depend on your template type. 
To add and remove some gadgets on your blog, while still in your blogger account, navigate to (Layout), from there you will apply some common senses to add or remove gadgets that seems somehow to you. But be careful of which gadget you remove. 
To be able to drag those gadgets as seen in the picture below, it will require you to use a computer, depending on how your template is because some templates are well designed. 

Example picture:
How can I customize the look of my website? 

You might not really love the current color of the theme you installed, to design and give it a new look, while still in your blogger setting panel, you can either navigate to (layouts) or Theme sections. 

If it is theme section, you will be able to see a (customize) just as stated above, click on it and it will open up different options where you can see:

• Gadgets. 
And others. 

To design and change the appearance of your website, you are to click on (advance) and it will pop up other options depending on your theme type, from there, you will be able to see different colors and options to make your blog look different. 

6: Domain Name. 

We are just done with the setting up your blog.

But it never ends there, it is time to get a custom domain for your site in order to give it respect.

Though blogger website never stand against the use of subdomain and you can still monetize your blog even with subdomain. 

Example of subdomain. 

Subdomain comes in different forms. 

A subdomain is a part of a larger domain name that allows you to create a separate, distinct website within the main domain. 

Example, if the main domain is, a subdomain could be:




Subdomains often have unique content and serve different purposes for the main domain, but they share the same root domain and are under the same top-level domain (TLD).

But here, we aren't talking about such subdomains, we are talking about featured domains that comes with a newly created website. 

These types of domains tries to represents the creator platform of that website. 





As you can see in the above: WordPress is a website creator. 
Blogspot is a website creator. 
And wix is a website creator. 

If you're using a subdomain for your site, immediately someone sees it, he or she can quickly identify the platform used to create the website which could reduce the number of respects for that very website. 

As someone who wants to become a successful blogger, it is never advisable to use a subdomain for your website because you are about to start real business. 

How to get a custom domain for your website. 

You are now very close to success, getting started with Custom domain is a great idea. 

There are many hosting companies that register, sells and resells domains, but you're to follow our guidelines here on which place is safe to purchase a home address (domain) for your website. 


Whogohost is a popular hosting provider that registers and sells domains. 
This is the recommended hosting company for you. 

The main reason why we recommend whogohost is that we trust them and have full idea and experience about the company. They're reliable and trustworthy with 24 hours customer support service, always ready to assist customers. 

To get a custom domain for your website, follow the button

How to purchase a domain on whogohost. 

Click the above button and head over to the whogohost website. 

Whogohost is a great hosting company with 24hrs customer support service.
On getting to the site, everything is made transparent and you will be able to purchase your domain with ease. If there is anything you do not clearly understand, there is a live chat on the site where you can communicate with the customer service. 

Click Watch YouTube video to watch how to purchase a domain name on whogohost website. 

When you want to purchase a domain, what should first come your mind?

Should I choose a domain that represents what my site is all about?

Well, that should be your decision, choosing a domain that represents a website niche is optional.

Like Naijanewlife. This website offers many niches: Reviews, Finance, crypto and others.

So you can decide to choose a domain according to your website niche and you can decide not to.

How to connect your new domain with your blogger website.

Connecting your domain with your blogger website is made easy and it's just within few minutes. 

Click Learn more  to learn how to connect your custom domain with your Blogger website. 

• How to make your blogger website appears on Google search results. 

After setting up your website, you should make sure to publish at least three articles before thinking of adding them to Google search.

To add your blog to Google first of all go to Google search console and complete the verifications.

How can Google find my blog posts?

To enable Google find your blog posts you're to create and submit your sitemap.

What is sitemap?

Sitemap provides Google search engine bots the lists of pages on your site. Once you have submitted your site map, each time you publish new article, you will not bother yourself as the site map will notify Google search engine bot that you have published new post for it to come and crawl the page and add it to Google search results.

How can I create a sitemap?

Creating a sitemap for your blogger website is as simple as anything.

What is your site url?
If that is your website url.
To create a sitemap you are to add /sitemap.xml to it. 
Example below: 

Depending, if your website is using https or http.

How to submit your sitemap. 

After you must have created your Google search console account and verified your domain ownership. 
Take time to go through every corner of the Google search console website to master each pages.

To submit your sitemap, login to your search console account and navigate to (sitemap) and you will be able to submit it there. 

Not just submitting your sitemap:

Sometimes it takes time for sitemap to start working effectively, and sometimes may not work at all. 
In a situation like this, what will you do? 

By manually submitting each of your post url to search console:

To do this, each time you publish new article on your site, try to visit the post by following the url to your site and from there get the post link from your browser. 

There are different types of blogger website post urls. 

For blogger sites you might find some links like these:



What difference can you see in both? 

The two url can still lead to the same page and the different between the two is that the first one ends with html while the second one ends with: ?m=1

.To manually submit your post all to Google search console you are to submit the one that ends with:

If you try to submit the version that ends with only html to Google search console, it might give you some errors. 

The main difference between the two is that the one that ends with html only is desktop version while the one that ends with: ?m=1 is smartphone version. 

To manually submit your post url, login to your search console account and navigate to (url inspection) to complete the process and request indexing.
Once done, reinspect the url later to see if it has been indexed. 

8: How to monetize your blog. 

There are many ways of monetizing a blog, there are now many ads companies, In which you can partner with.
Below are some outstanding advertising platforms to using for monetizing your blog.


We highly recommend this ads network for you as a beginner into blogging.
Adsterra is a cpm ad network for publishers and advertisers, as a newbie to blogging, we recommend the use of adsterra to monetize your traffic and earn revenue from adverts that displays on your site.
Though this ad network might not be the highest paying ad network, but if you really want to get peace of mind and earn your money in peace without having any heart attack, it is recommended you use adsterra to monetize your website.

Why should you use adsterra?

For peace of mind.

Do you want to earn money from advertisements of your website in peace? Then consider using adsterra. Using adsterra gives peace of mind, without having the fear of getting banned with active customer support service that are ready to attend to you and solve your problems.
There are many advertisements networks that could ban your account unexpectedly, but never such found in adsterra.
If you want to have peace of mind monetizing your blog and earning long term revenue without being frustrated when it's time you are suppose to start enjoying your money, it is advisable you join adsterra to avoid regretting and getting banned. 

No Requirements to join.

Adsterra doesn't ask for the number of your daily traffic before you be allowed to join.

Many other advertisement network have their requirements and if you fails to meet up with the requirements there would not be any chance of joining them.

Some may require you to have 5,000 to 50,000 monthly traffic to be accepted.
But in adsterra, you can join with zero traffic.

Instant approval. 

Adsterra offers instant account approval to users unlike other ad networks that may keep you waiting for days and months before granting you approval. With adsterra, you can sign up and start monetizing instantly. 

What's the most profitable adsterra ad code? 

There are many ad codes on adsterra in which you can get and place on your site to start displaying adverts. But as a newbie, we recommend you to use adsterra "socialbar" ad code to monetize your blog because it is the most profitable to generate you quick cash. 

Important thing to consider when thinking of monetizing a blog.

Enough traffic is required.

When planning to monetize you blog, first of all think of how many are your daily website visitors.
You can't have one daily visitor and expect to earn.
To earn from your blog, try to gather much traffic.

How to put adsterra ad code to your blogger website. 

After signing up with adsterra, the next thing is to ad your domain and select your preferred ad code. 

Below are some profitable adsterra ad codes to choose. 

• Socialbar. - (recommended). 
• Native banner - (recommended).
• 300x250 - (recommended). 

And others. 

You can use the 3 recommended codes at once to maximize your revenue. 
Avoid placing one ad code more that one on each pages. 

After you have gotten your ad code, go to your blogger account and navigate to layouts section, find and click on "Add gadgets" and more options will be opened, scroll down and click on "html/javascript" and it will pop up another page, you are to paste your adsterra code in the "content section" and save - the rest is to view your blog to see how they look like.


This is the second recommended powerful ad network to use and maximize your revenue. 
Flowbazeads offer different ad formats for publishers to place on their site and earn cool revenue. 

No requirements required to join, and you can earn enough revenue and as well have peace of mind.

Below are other profitable ad networks you might like.

• Google AdSense. 
• Amazon. 
• AdRoll. 
• Adsterra. 
• Dianomi. 
• Epom Ad Server. 
• GroundTruth. 
• Infolinks. 

Other ideas to monetize your blog.

Affiliate marketing: Promoting and earning a commission from other company's products or services.

Sponsored posts: Receiving payment from companies for writing posts about their products or services.

Digital products: Selling e-books, courses, or other digital products related to your blog's niche.

Membership programs: Offering exclusive content or perks to members who pay a monthly or yearly fee.

Services: Using your expertise from your blog to offer consulting, coaching, or other services.

Physical products: Selling merchandise related to your blog such as shirts, mugs, or accessories.

9: Consistency

To succeed in blogging, consistency is required, post regularly, create time and focus on writing contents for your blog because without posting regularly you might not meet up with your expected traffic. 

Know what people love and write what people love. 
Try to write and answer people's questions in your content without skipping any. 
Post always without getting tired and without giving up. 

10: Flyer Maker App. 

This sounds little funny right?
But it is one of the requirements in blogging, there are some apps that can be used to create beautiful images. Have in mind that each of your blog posts must feature image, so you can use flyer maker apps to design some of these images.

Not just that, you might decide to get images online, have in mind that most of the images have copyright in them, and to be safe from copyright you are to make some editing by using your flyer maker App to redesign the image.
11: Good Electricity. 

Blogging requires an environment where there is at least steady light or where light last at least up to 5 hours daily.

• you need light to power your blogging devices.
A blogger blogging devices must have steady light.
Without electricity you might finds it difficult to go far in your blogging journey. 

12: Data connection.

Like said earlier, blogging requires capital and internet data is one of the thing that will consume your capital almost every day.

• You need internet connection to browse the internet to find the best topic you are to write about.

• You need data connection to publish contents and view your blog to get one thing or the other and to see how far your blog is going and how attractive it is to your readers.

In fact data connection is one of the number one requirement in blogging. 

13: Ability to read and write.

To become a successful blogger, you must be able to read and write.
Not just being able to write; would you be able to write at least 1,000 words for each topic?

You must have different writing skills to be able to rank higher on search engines be it Google, Bing and others.

Have in mind that what you are writing about are what others have already written about, and you must try as much as you can to make your own better.

• After talking enough time to write, you should also be ready to take enough time to read and rectify your errors before publishing.