Payday review is payday safe or not safe?

Payday is an online payment platform, created in a very user-friendly way for sending and receiving money both internationally and locally.
Supporting many countries, with payday, you can securely and conveniently transfer money within your country and as well to other countries using the payday dollar card.
Important things to do before choosing any online payment platform. 

1: Find out how reliable the platform is for sending and receiving of funds

Before getting to choose any online payment platform for sending and receiving of funds be it locally or internationally, the first to consider is, how reliable is the platform? 
Getting to use a platform that will end up hanging your funds halfway that the sender can not get back and the recipient can not receive could be frustrating.
So before using any online payment platform, ensure that it is reliable and secure. 

2: Must support the country you want to send funds to.

This is one important thing to consider when choosing an online payment platform, most of the online payment platforms are limited to some countries, if planning to send funds to someone in other country, ensure that the platform you want to use for sending support the particular country you want to send funds to.