If you have been looking for a way to earn money while learning and discovering new things, Simple Bitcoin is a mobile app that claims you can earn Satoshi coins for learning about Bitcoin. However, I can't doubt such a claim, but the one and only thing that matters right now is, is it another format of scamming or it's a legit app?

When it comes to apps that offers free money like this, it's always cause a lot of confusion and brings different questions to people's mind. So far I have reviewed a lots of apps and websites, and right now I can tell the number of fake apps and sites out there. But you don't have to worry about Simple Bitcoin, I have spent days testing this app, and I can assure you that at the end of this review you will find one or two things which will help you make an informed decision whether to leave the app installed on your phone or not. You are definitely at the right place. So, stay connected while I take you through a few steps to show you all the necessary things you need to know about this app.

What exactly is Simple Bitcoin?

Simple Bitcoin is a mobile application that offer users the opportunity to earn money while learning things about Bitcoin. If you are new to the world of Bitcoin, using this app will give you a clear understanding about it, such as, how it started, how it works and many others. The app covers a lot of topics about Bitcoin.
There are many people who don't have much idea about Bitcoin and what it is. Simple Bitcoin create a space for people like these to learn every necessary things they needed to know about Bitcoin and what it is.

The good thing about Simple Bitcoin is that it does not only give users the opportunity to learn, but it also give them the opportunity to earn while learning, that's a great opportunity. However, you don't have to be too excited about this. Why? Because the main question you are to ask yourself right now should be: how does this really works.

Now that you have asked yourself that question, it's time to get started with the answers, so stay connected while I show you another thing you should know, especially if you are planning to start using this app with the intention of making money from it.

Ways to earn money on Simple Bitcoin:

1: While learning about Bitcoin:

One of the ways you can earn from Simple Bitcoin is through learning. The app covers a lot of topics, from Money to Bitcoin, Bitcoin mining, Bitcoin wallets, Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin alternatives and many others. The best part? You will even have the opportunity to earn a certificate once you have finished all those topics.

To get started, once you have launched the app for the first time, you can proceed to sign in with your Google account by clicking on the profile icon. But keep in mind that signing in is optional, whether you sign in or not, your earnings are safe unless you uninstall the app from your device.

In your account you will see the "Learn more" section. Clicking on it will take you in to where you will see various topics you can learn. Each topic feature one or two questions which you will have to give a correct answer to each question. For each correct answer, you earn "tickets". If you give a wrong answer you won't earn any reward. So make sure you pay attention while learning so that you will be able to give a correct answer to each question.

Now let's see what you can do with these Tickets you earn from learning.

Uses of Simple Bitcoin Tickets:

Learning on Simple Bitcoin will not earn you cash directly, for every topics you complete, if you give a correct answer to questions, you earn tickets. To make use of these tickets you must have up to 250 tickets, once you have gotten up to 250 tickets or more. In your Simple Bitcoin account you can click on the profile section, once you are in the profile section you will see "Rewards" Clicking on it will take you to where you can spin a wheel, for each round of the wheel, you can earn up to 5 sats, (short for "Satoshi" - cryptocurrency). (Later I will talk about how you can make use of your Sats.

Other ways to earn on Simple Bitcoin:

1: Reading Feeds:

In your Simple Bitcoin account, you will see the "Feed" section, clicking on it will open a page where you will see various news you can read. For every feed you view, you can earn up to 75 tickets.
That's just a way to earn some extra on the app. The best of this opportunity is that there are many feeds available that you can read.

2: Referral program:

Simple Bitcoin also offer a referral program, you can decide to share your referral link with anyone you think will be interested in using the app, once the person signs up with your link, he or she will become your referral and you can earn some tickets. Simple Bitcoin' referral program is not great, but it's a way to earn even more on the app. You will find where you get your referral link by navigating to the profile section.

3: Upgrading your account:

If you wish to earn more on Simple Bitcoin while learning, you will find an option to upgrade your account with some amounts of money. Once your account is upgraded, you will start earning more tickets per answer you give to question, including when you spin the wheel.
If you are satisfied with this, then you can proceed. You can make the payment via credit or debit card linked with your Google account.

How much can you make from Simple Bitcoin?

When it comes to apps that promise free money like this, the main question people often ask is, how much money can I make from it?
In my own opinion, Simple Bitcoin is not an app you can earn reasonable amounts of money. If you wanted to start using the app with the intention of making money, I suggest you just find other ways because this is not an app to make money if you were looking for one.

As for the exact amount you can make, you will not earn cash directly, you will earn tickets per article you read. You can later use your tickets to spin wheel and win Satoshi which you can later withdraw to your lightening wallet. once it gets to the wallet, you will then have the option to exchange for cash.

Simple Bitcoin payout options:

When you spin the wheel with your tickets, you can earn Satoshi coin. 
To withdraw your Sats, in the wheel section you will see the "Claim" button, once you click on it, a page will open where you will see different withdrawal options, as you can see in the image above.

To withdraw your Satoshi, you must create an account with any of the lightening wallet below:

• Zebedee.
• Wallet of Satoshi.
• Muun.

Once you have an account with any of these wallets, you can then click to claim your rewards.
As for me, I redeemed mine to my Zebedee account, 5 Satoshi was equivalent to $0.001, it was automatically converted.
Once you have an account with any of the above wallets, when you want to claim your Simple Bitcoin rewards, you will not have to do anything, you only have to click claim and the rest will work automatically. Just make sure you have the app installed on your device and Simple Bitcoin will automatically detect it. But make sure that the lightening wallet you create an account with will have the option you can later withdraw your earnings to your bank or any other.

Is Simple Bitcoin legit or scam?

Simple Bitcoin is a legit app, the mission of the app is to help people learn and discover more about Bitcoin. However, this does not necessarily mean you will not encounter things that are similar to scam while using the app. In case you encounter one, just remember that this article is not a sponsored article, this site ( Naijanewlife ) was created mainly for protecting people from falling victims of scam. If this app is a scam, we would have told you from the beginning, and if it changes to be scam in the future without my notice, just don't put the blame on me. However, I will always try my best to keep this article updated with new features of this app.

In which country is Simple Bitcoin available?

Simple Bitcoin is available worldwide and you can use it from any country. You can download the app from Google play or any other apps store it's available.