Make Cash is a gpt app that offers users the opportunity to make money by completing offers, answering surveys, referring people, and many others. 

When it comes to apps like this, the main question that always comes next is, is it legit or a scam app to be far from? 
There are so many fraudulent applications nowadays, claiming you can make money daily, now the question is, is Make Cash also one of these apps that were designed to defraud users? 

This review will reveal everything you needed to know about this app, whether you are new to it or already an old user, at the end of this review, you will be able to decide if to continue with this app or not. There are so many scam apps nowadays, imagine spending time and data completing activities on a platform, but during withdrawal you discover that there is no way to withdraw? No one would ever want to fall victim of scams. If you are new to apps like this, this review will not only check if Make Cash is legit, but it's also an ultimate guide: 

What exactly is Make Cash? 

If you have been looking for a way to make some extra pocket cash online in your spare time, here is Make Cash, a mobile app that claims you will get paid to do some simple tasks. 

Make Cash is a gpt ( Get paid to app ) that was released since 31st of January, 2023. It's a great gpt app in my opinion, however, this does not necessarily mean the app is legit or is the right gpt app for you. To better determine if the app is legit or another scam, and if it's the right one for you or not, you should first of all think of how it works. You need to know the tricks and hacks to make money on this app:

Ways to make money on Make Cash: 

1: Completing paid offers: 

One of the ways to make money on Make Cash is by completing offers (Tasks). There are lots of offers available, from downloading of apps to signing up on websites, and many others. These are just simple tasks you will have to do in exchange for rewards. The rewards for doing these tasks are relatively decent compared to other similar apps. 

To get started with completing paid offers, in your Make Cash account you will see the offers section. Clicking on it will take you to the Offerwall, here you will see all the offer providers that partner with Make Cash. That simply means Make Cash does not have offers of it own, it depends on these offer providers for daily offers for users. 
In the Offers section you will see all the available offer providers as you can see in the image above, just choose the one of your choice and it will take you to a page where you will see all the available offers you can perform for rewards. 

You will see some offers that asks you to download and install apps, download and play games, including many others, all you have to do is to just click on any offer that seems good to you and proceed to get it done. But before proceeding with an offer, make sure to read and understand the offer requirements, because if you fail to do the offer according to it requirements you might end up not receiving rewards. 

2: Surveys

If you love sharing your opinions online, this seems like an opportunity for you because Make Cash also offer users the opportunity to answer surveys for rewards. 

If you are not familiar with what surveys is, permit me to give you a short explanation, showing below: 
Survey is a type of question, commonly use by researchers and companies to gather information and feedbacks from people and customers. 

Now, when you become a member of Make Cash, you will also have the opportunity to answer surveys in exchange for rewards. You will get paid for your opinions and feedbacks. 
As a member of Make Cash, to get started with answering surveys for rewards, in your account you will see the surveys section, all you have to do is to click on it and it will open up all the available surveys, the surveys covers a lot of topics, from automotive, to political issues, lifestyle, and many others. You just have to choose any survey you would like to take and it will direct you to a webpage where you can complete it, and once completed, the promised rewards will be credited to your Make Cash account. 

There is something very important you need to know and understand about surveys. You need to know and understand that you will not always qualify for surveys. For every survey you are directed to complete, you will first be given some qualifying survey, this qualifying survey is just like a test to find out if you are the right person the main surveys is looking for. The main reason for this is because surveys use to target people, such as people in a particular location, career, level of Education, relationship status, including many others. So if don't fall among the targeted demographics you will be disqualified. You will be disqualified immediately when the system detects that you are not the right person because your responses will definitely tell that you are not. So, I hope you will not feel too bad if you are disqualified? It's a normal thing with all surveys. 

Other ways to make money on Make Cash: 

1: Referral program: 

Another way to earn extra on this platform is through its referral program. You can earn even more if you can refer active users to the app. 

To get started, all you have to do is go login to your account, get your referral link and share it with anyone that is also interested in joining the app, when the person sign up with your link, he or she will become your referral and you will start receiving 15% of what they earn daily. That means if your referrals earns a total of $20 daily, you will receive 15% of $20. It's a great reward in my opinion, but as you can see, you will need active referrals to benefit from this opportunity. 

That is not all, if you have not yet join the app, I would recommend you join through someone's referral link, if you join with someone's link, you will receive a 250 points as a welcome reward. But what happens if you don't join through a referral link? Well, there will be no welcome reward for you and your account balance is going to start with 0.00. 

Joining through someone's referral link can give you an opportunity to kickstart your earnings. The 250 points are not much, but it's still something. 

How much money can you make on Make Cash? 

As with any gpt app, the amounts of money you can make daily will solely depend on the numbers of offers and surveys you can complete. 

Let me just reveal it to you that the rewards Make Cash offers per offers and surveys are a decent rewards compared to other similar rewarding apps and compared to the withdrawal threshold. 

Now, if we want to talk about the exact amounts of money you can make per offers and surveys; as for offer, you will make from 30 points, 500 points, 1,000 points, 5,000 points, and even up to 33,000 points and above. 

As for survey, you will receive from 500 points, 1,000 points and above. Before you get too excited about this rewards, it's important to note that most of the offers that gives higher rewards are not that easy to complete. However, when it's comes to gpt apps like this, it's essential to manage your expectations. This app is just an opportunity to make some extra cash, it can not replace your full time job, but it can fetch you some bucks daily. 

Make Cash withdraw options: 

• PayPal. 
• Bitcoin. 
• Litecoin. 
• Ethereum. 
And others. 

The only cash withdrawal option is PayPal, while the rest are Crypto. 
The minimum amount needed to request a cash payment via PayPal is 10,500 points which is equivalent to $10. Talking about crypto withdrawal, you need a minimum of 16,300 points to exchange with $15. 
Every activities you complete on the app will rewards you with points, these points can later be exchanged for cash or cryptocurrency. 

Once you have reach any of the withdrawal threshold, in your Make Cash account just click on "Redeem" section and select your preferred payment system to proceed. 

Is Make Cash a legit app or scam? 

After examining the app thoroughly, what I can tell you right now is that it is a legit gpt app. You will get paid when you reach the withdrawal threshold. However, keep in mind that there is no way I can guarantee you safety on this platform. It is legitimate does not necessarily mean it is, you might still encounter things that are similar to scam while using the app to earn. 

In which country is Make Cash available? 

Make Cash is available worldwide, it's one of the user-friendly apps I have seen so far. It feature white background and dark background, so you can switch between white background and dark background. You can download the app from Google play and install to start earning. Signing up is not going to take much of your time because you are going to sign up with either your Google account or Facebook account. 

You can sign up with your Google account and login to start earning. 

If you are interested in this app, it's available on Google play, name: Make Cash